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  • Sustainability


Aware of its responsibilities as market leader in Italy, MARR has been embarking on a process of strengthening its approach to sustainability for some time now, considering the implementation of ESG (Environment, Social and Governance) strategies as a priority in areas relevant to its activities.



The MARR Sustainability Report provides an organic illustration of sustainability objectives, commitments and activities.

Sustainability report.

Responsible sourcing

MARR suppliers are selected, evaluated and qualified according to methods and criteria defined in specific Quality System procedures, in compliance with the provisions of the ISO 9001 standard and are directly involved in the quality and sustainability processes.

Approvigionamento responsabile.

Health and Nutrition

The concept of health is no longer to be intended as the mere absence of diseases, but it has to be conceived in a more comprehensive way. This includes psychological, physical and social wellbeing of people inside a community, as defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948.

Approvigionamento responsabile.
Environment - Cow grazing it


MARR has implemented projects and initiatives to carry out its business responsibly towards the environment

People exchanging opinions


MARR is convinced of the importance of Human Resources for the development of the Company: trained, valued, motivated and involved collaborators in the corporate spirit represent the prerequisite for the achievement of corporate objectives.

Governance - Meeting


MARR has based its corporate governance system on operational transparency and on enhancing the needs and requests of all Stakeholders.