MARR S.p.A. (Milan: MARR.MI), the leading company in Italy in the distribution of food products to the foodservice, informs that it has received communication from the majority shareholder (Cremonini S.p.A.), which has formulated the following proposals concerning certain items on the agenda of the Shareholders' Meeting of 28 April 2023:
3. Appointment of the Board of Directors
3.1 Determination of the number of members
Determination of the number of members of the Board of Directors at seven.
3.2 Determination of the term of office
Determine the term of office of the Board of Directors to be three financial years, i.e. until the shareholders' meeting called to approve the financial statements as at 31 December 2025.
3.4 Appointment of the Chairman of the Board of Directors
Appoint Mr. Andrea Foschi as Chairman of the Board of Directors.3.5 Determination of the remuneration due to the Board of Directors
set at Euro 175,000.00 gross, the total annual remuneration for the entire Board of Directors, for the period of their term of office and to be calculated on a yearly basis.
4. Appointment of the Board of Statutory Auditors
4.2 Determination of the remuneration due to the Board of Statutory Auditors
To grant the new Board of Statutory Auditors a gross annual remuneration of Euro 35,000.00 for the Chairman and a gross annual remuneration of Euro 25,000.00 for each Standing Auditor.
The Shareholders' Meeting will be held by videoconference and Shareholders' participation will be exclusively through the Company's Appointed Representative, pursuant to Article 135-undecies TUF, identified in the company Computershare S.p.A..